Another Character Named After Beastie Boys In New Star Wars Movie

Some bands stand the test of time...and in this case The Beastie Boys are popular in a galaxy far far away too!

You might remember that the last Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, had a reference to the trio, right? There was a minor character in the movie named "Ello Atsy" named after Beastie's 1998 album "Hello Nasty." His helmet apparently also read "Born To Ill" in his language too.

Well, it turns out it wasn't just confined to THAT movie. The new film, "The Last Jedi," contains a Beastie reference too!

It turns out the movie has a cameo from actor Joseph Gordon Levitt who plays a character named Slowen-Lo. The name comes from Beastie 1986 song title "Slow And Low." The character only has a few lines.

It also turns out that both Ello Atsy and Slowen-Lo are the same race. So there's an entire race of Star Wars characters with Beastie Boys references? That's pretty sweet, right? 

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